






Mountain in desert

Cultivate a lush ​oasis with rare ​desert gems

Vivian Lithops Garden offers a curated ​selection of lithops and conophytum ​plants that can transform living spaces ​into captivating green havens, bringing ​botanical beauty and artistic allure to ​your home.

Macro close-up of succulent plant stone flower,Lithops N. E. Br.

Making Beauty ​Accessible & ​Affordable

Our mission at

Vivian Lithops Garden

At Vivian Lithops Garden, we are dedicated to ​making plants accessible and affordable to ​everyone. We believe that everyone should have ​the opportunity to enjoy the magic of nature, and ​we work hard to ensure that our carefully curated ​succulents can bring that magic to your home. Our ​succulents are the perfect companions for creating ​beautiful botanical displays that can bring ​tranquility and beauty to your living space.

Why choose us?

unique varieties

Discover carefully ​cultivated succulents and ​rare gems, adding natural ​beauty to your home.

Affordable prices

Affordable prices make ​botanical wonders accessible. ​Beautify your home without ​breaking the bank.

Ethically grown

Ethically grown from seeds, ​our succulents thrive guilt-​free in controlled greenhouse ​conditions.

Door delivery

Enjoy hassle-free delivery, ​bringing treasures right to ​your doorstep.

Global delivery

Our botanical products reach ​plant lovers worldwide.

Check our list for availability.

Our Sustainable ​Plant Promise

At Vivian Lithops Garden, we hold a steadfast ​commitment to ethical practices. Our plants are ​cultivated from seeds in our own nursery, guaranteeing ​their wellbeing and vigor. We prioritize sustainability and ​adopt responsible cultivation methods, ensuring that our ​plants are not uprooted from their natural habitats. This ​way, you can cherish your plants with confidence, ​knowing that they were sourced ethically.

Our Desert Darlings

Home Gardening Seedling Growing Tray Plant Propagation for Summer Indoor Garden. Woman Using Garden Tools inside Apartment.
Plant seeds
Rare Finds
Plant Bundles

Boost Your Mood ​with Colorful New ​Plant Friends!

Meet Our

Little Rock Friends.

Lithops, small but vibrant plants, have a ​rock-like exterior and a variety of textured ​skins and geometric shapes, making them ​a stylish addition to any space. They are ​available in a range of varieties and are ​perfect for windowsills and shelves.

Meet Our

Merry Marbles.

Discover South Africa's Conophytums, ​resilient miniatures that thrive in arid ​environments. These orbs showcase ​vibrant colors and diverse patterns on ​their rounded shells, making them a ​marvel to behold on your windowsill.

Our Global Community of Plant Lovers

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I’m very impressed! 120% ​satisfied. These are the best ​lithops I’ve ever seen for sure! I ​noticed there were many so ​thank you for the generosity 😁

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Oh my. Gosh!!!!! I LOVE them!!!!! ​Thank you for so many extra!!! ​They all look so healthy. Thank you ​very much I am very happy. You ​have beautiful plants! Very healthy.

Canada Flag
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Thank you very much. I really ​like the big twins you sent. I ​will definitely continue to ​support you. We will trade for ​the long term.

I received my ​first crate and it ​was beautiful.
